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Why You Should Use A Physician Recruiter

The other day a resident asked me how using a Farr Healthcare, Inc. for physiatry recruitment is different than pursuing positions on her own.

First, some employers use Farr Healthcare, Inc. exclusively for their physiatry recruitment.  You might be missing out on a practice opportunity unless you consider openings with Farr Healthcare.  Farr Healthcare has been in business for 30+ years so most physiatrists know us and reach out to us when they want to add a physiatrist.  This familiarity is fostered by Farr Healthcare’s reaching out to senior residents and fellows each year.

Saving time is important to everyone.  The list of physiatry practice opportunities on the Farr Healthcare website is one of the most comprehensive on the web so it can save you time in physiatry recruitment practice search.  It also has some of the most comprehensive information about each practice opportunity.  One of the goals of Farr Healthcare is to provide you with as comprehensive information upfront so you can identify the openings of most interest to you and not waste your time with openings that don’t turn out to be what’s of interest to you.  We typically provide information about the type of affiliation, the means of compensation and the compensation amount.

With its 30+ years of physiatry recruitment experience, Farr Healthcare, Inc. can help you identify which practice opportunities are the best match for your skills and interests.  We know the field of physiatry better than the vast majority of recruitment firms and this combined with the knowledge of the recruitment environment provides you with a wealth of advice be it your personal interests, your skills, your geographic preferences, your financial and affiliation interests, etc.  We want to know your career goals and will do our best to connect you with employers with similar interests during your physiatry recruitment experience.

A feature of the Farr Healthcare website is that you can subscribe to a service on the website that alerts you as soon as a new physiatry practice opportunity arises.  We post practice opportunities on our website as soon as they become available so checking it from time to time might also be of interest.

If you contact Farr Healthcare, we will ask you what states or areas of the country are of interest and what type of physiatry you want.  We will then keep you posted on practice opportunities that arise that are a match.  We are able to do this better than most anyone because we know the particulars of the physiatry specialty having recruited in it exclusively for so long.  We won’t contact you about just any practice opportunity, only the ones that match your interests.

If you’re not sure if your curriculum vitae is good or not, Farr Healthcare will be glad to review it and provide advice.  If you provide us with your curriculum vitae with interest in a practice opportunity, we review it and let you know if there’s a glaring error such as missing contact information, time gaps, typo’s, etc.  This alone can be the difference between you getting a job offer or not during your physiatry recruitment process.

One of the best advantages of working with Farr Healthcare is that we will make sure that the employer is aware of your interest and acts upon it.  Most practices are very busy so they don’t have much time to devote to physiatry recruitment.  They sometimes lag in follow-up. Farr Healthcare contacts the employers weekly if not more often about you.

Another advantage of working with Farr Healthcare is that we act as your cheerleader.  We tell employers about your positive features.  We know the employer well enough to also let them know how your plus’s match the candidate profile they’re seeking in their physiatry recruitment.  Especially during these Covid times when more interviews are by Zoom and it’s harder for you to show your personality, it is very helpful to have an aide like Farr Healthcare to promote you.

Another advantage is that we move the physiatry recruitment process along for you.  We often do so by interviewing you when you first express interest in an opening.  Rather than just having a curriculum vitae, this interview provides the employer with more information.  Given this additional information, the employer is more apt to contact you without hesitation.  Otherwise, your curriculum vitae can sit on an employer’s desk perhaps for weeks without review.

The same holds true for reference checking.  Even after an employer has seen your curriculum vitae and the interview results of you by Farr Healthcare, they may be busy and not act as promptly as you would think.  Farr Healthcare prompts employers to let us do reference checking as a means to giving them what hopefully be more positive information about you to the end of wanting to continue contact with you in their physiatry recruitment.

If requested, Farr Healthcare will provide you with helpful feedback on your interviewing skills.  We’re open to interviewing you and giving you advice on how your interview skills might be improved.  If we ask for an interview, you can use this experience as practice for your interviews with employers.

Farr Healthcare can help you during the negotiation process although we typically don’t act as the go-between. Instead, you can deal directly with the employer to minimize any miscommunications and maximize your relationship with the employer from day one.

With all these advantages, please also note that you’re not tied to just using Farr Healthcare for your practice search.  There is no commitment on your part to Farr Healthcare during the physiatry recruitment process.  Farr Healthcare has agreements with the employers to help with their recruitment.  Far Healthcare’s roots are working for a national rehab provider so our goals are to make the employer and YOU happy so that you will stay with the employer long-term.  We provide all these services without a cost to you.

Whether you’re a resident who’s not sure what questions to ask to secure your ideal position or you’re an experienced physiatrist who knows what you want, Farr Healthcare can provide you with guidance or provide information from the employer to make sure a position fits your interests and your physiatry recruitment practice search is efficient and effective.

Please check  out our website,