A physiatrist asked me recently about the supervision of ancillary staff.  He was asked to start supervising ancillary staff as part of his job.  He asked me how much he should be paid additionally to do this.  He had a concern about the litiguous position it might put him.  I’m not familiar with this subject so I asked a Bruno Stillo, a colleague and owner of Physiatry Billing Specialists, and he also was not familiar with this circumstance.  A reference on this subject was found on the web, https://www.michaeljohnsonlegal.com/physician-compensation-supervision-npp/  It says that physician supervision is VERY profitable to employers and that as a physician you should not provide this supervision without a fair compensation.  You should have the foresight include language when you’re negotiating a contract to exclude this supervision.

Physiatrist working with a physician's assistant

Employers may offer to allow you to record your time spent supervising and pay you on an hourly basis. However, if you look closely, the hourly rate they are willing to pay is often lower than what you make per hour already, such that adding more time to your day would result in a diminished marginal rate of compensation. Said another way, if your first 40 hours (likely more) of work in a week pays you $175/hour, and the hourly rate for supervision your employer offers to pay is $150/hour, then it is not in your best financial interests to do agree to do more work.

The article goes on to discuss other compensation methods.  Their bottom line is to be careful and to not be taken advantage of.