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Volume 6 Issue 5 October 2013 

888.DOC.7200 | 717.761.0650
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              “You have been a great help all throughout my practice search!”
                                               Jordan Sudberg, MD

What is Physiatry?
Promoting our unkown specialty


Christopher Burton, MD
One of the toughest things I do is explaining to patients, and even referring doctors, what physiatry is and why we are essential to the healthcare team. I know I’m not the only one, because when I talk to others in our field, they are experiencing the same problem. “What is physiatry?” is one of the most common questions we are asked. And sometimes it is hard to sum up all we do in only a sentence or two.
Instead of just getting frustrated, I am working on a book project to raise awareness about our specialty. It will contain stories about individuals who have successfully gone through rehabilitation or those who work with them. These stories can be told through the perspective of the patient, physician, therapist or family member to give a well-rounded view of how physiatry adds quality of life.

This collection of inspiring stories will promote physiatry to the general public in ways we have never done before. If you have a story that you could share, I would love to include it in the book. Or if you know of anyone else who might be interested in sharing their story, please feel free to have them contact me at [email protected]. We have a lot to offer; why not let people know about it? It is my goal to make physiatry a household name in healthcare discussions.

Stories can be submitted online directly to the editor at The publisher is going through the stories for content and to help them flow. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Best of luck in your practice, and I look forward to hearing your stories.

Christopher Burton, MD who is a practicing physiatrist in Pensacola, Florida where he promotes physiatry whenever possible. He also participates in physician leadership on the local and state level through organized medicine and public speaking. Connect with Dr. Burton via social media or on his website:

Thank You Referral Bonus


As a thank you, Farr Healthcare, Inc. continues its referral bonus program.  Any doctors you refer to me for a particular opportunity who ultimately start work at that opportunity, Farr Healthcare, Inc. will provide you with a $1,000 as a thank you.  I look forward to hearing from you.

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