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Physiatry News

The Business of Physician Recruitment

It’s my world, the world of physician recruitment, but here’s some information that maybe new to you.

Physician recruiters typically charge $20,000+ to recruit a doctor.  A hiring entity signs a contract with the physiatry recruiter.  The fee and contract terms include the identification of doctors, reference checking, helping coordinate communications between the doctors and the hiring entity, etc.  It does not include the cost of bringing in the doctor(s) in to interview.

It is a tax-deductible expense.  It is a lot of money but the time value of having manpower, in hopefully a short time than if you recruited yourself, is a consideration.  Plus, if you use a physician recruiter experienced in physiatry recruitment, then he/she may very well have knowledge of the candidate’s background and interests that the hiring entity might not.  Also, an experienced recruiter has the skills to detect good candidates from less good candidates as a result of developed listening skills.

There are just a few physiatry recruitment firms.  It is best to use a physiatry recruitment firm because they know more about the physiatrists and the lingo of physiatry terms and have more physiatry practice candidates and opportunities.

Sometimes, the hiring entity wants to hire a locum tenens doctor.  Locum tenens means to work on a temporary basis.  It can be to cover you during a vacation, while away for CME, until you find a permanent doctor, etc.  Locum tenens doctors usually expect $750/day – $1,000/day.

Our firm also helps find locum tenens doctors.  On top of the reimbursement, locum tenens doctors need housing and, if the term is for a few weeks or more, transportation costs back to his/her home every so often.  If the locum tenens doctor does not have or can not obtain professional malpractice insurance, then the hiring entity will need to secure it for him/her.  If the hiring entity can not get professional malpractice insurance for the locum tenens doctor, then the locum tenens recruitment firm can provide this insurance.