You’ve done it before. . .  interviewing that is.    You’re not a newly graduating resident.  You have experience, know-how, wisdom, and more.  Prepare for an interview?  No, you’re thinking, I don’t need to.   Give thought to what I’m going to say in the upcoming interview; no, you’re thinking I don’t need to.  Yes, you should!  Just as the newly graduating resident might be perceived as being green, not confident and shy, the opposite is true of many experienced doctors who interview.  That is, experienced doctors are sometimes perceived as being too knowledgeable which often is perceived as being too set in their ways to be flexible.

Being overly confident during an interview may be perceived as being obnoxious which converts to the thought that the experienced doctor will be overly demanding of staff.   Experienced doctors who talk too much during the interview are perceived as not being good listeners so therefore not being good team players.  Also the old saying goes that the more you talk, the more you show what you don’t know.

Not asking questions at an interview is perceived as being overly confident and that the same doctor will not be open to working with the new administration.  Just as the resident needs to learn in an interview to find the balance between speaking up and listening, so too does the experienced doctor.  However for the experienced doctor, it’s more the converse in that the experieced doctor needs to listen more and speak less.